[Amps] Status of Alpha

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Oct 2 23:59:37 EDT 2017

Mike has made a habit of these rants. The Ten Tec reflector was 
subjected to several of them. I'm not "angry," but IMO, he needs to hear 
that these rants are not appreciated, and, as others have observed, do 
more harm than good. There has been NO traffic on the Amps Reflector to 
justify it. If he wants to rant, he ought to go to the platforms that 
are generating the conversations that bother him.

73, Jim K9YC

On 10/2/2017 6:28 PM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
> I read Mike's post with more empathy than anger. There's been much inaccurate information posted, some of which even by those trying to set the record 'straight.'

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