[Amps] Alpha

GWP gm5bkc at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 11:04:25 EDT 2017

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 8:36 AM, Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:

> ##  What is the life expectancy of a  gigavac, or kilovac or jennings
> vac relay, when used in QSK mode  ??  I heard it was something like
> 10-12 years, with main focus on CW qsk contesting.   I may well be wrong.
> Years ago, alpha switched from jennings to kilovac..since the kilovac had
> more robust internals.
> The Gigavac GH-1 is even better..and typ hi pot tests  to 7.5 kv...right
> outa the box.

I figured out the life of a vacuum relay (RJ1, HC1, GH1, all rated for 2
million cycles) in QSK contesting in CQing and also S&P.   When running
(holding a freq and calling CQ) you get about 20,000 QSOs for the rated 2
million cycles, in S&P it's about 33,000 Qs, using my call as an example,
with the CQWW contest exchange.

Glenn AE0Q

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