[Amps] Re message #1 + #2

Gary Smith wa6fgi at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 25 11:46:13 EDT 2017

If the blower noise is too loud, look for a more "modern" designed fan at Grainger.com 
Regarding the rheostat in the amp, this, I want to recall, was a mod that was applied to Ameritron's AL-800h's due to that amps notoriously loud fan.
The overheat thermostat is that of a home laundry dryer variety.  Can't recall specifically where, but it is documented on the web complete with how-to's and pix.
Maybe a pointer, look for AL-800 H fan mods.
Mine was loud enough that I sold it and bought a AL-82.
All I can conclude is that 3cx's of any variety are a b*itch to keep cool.

The other Gary Smith on this great list,

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