[Amps] Alpha 77D anode choke swap?

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Mon Apr 30 10:29:30 EDT 2018

> But, if your doing 15kw pep, you better have your imd down by 10 db more
> than the yoyo running an ameritron, or you'll instantly be run off the
> band.  You won't do that with 30 uF of capacitance.  Just //wont// happen.
> --Shane
But if you have the $$$ to run 15KW  ( think total system QRO++  
costs... coax and antennas , change over relays, ect ) ...  then the  
costs of occasionally replacing tubes with handles is all part of the  
yearly expenses.

)n the other hand, in commercial broadcast  I've been running a  
4CX20,000 @ 11KV @ 3.5A for over three years now... 28KW FM output and  
24/7  at the end of a "really nasty" utility feed, and like the  
Energizer Bunny, it just keeps on running and running with 1960's (  
really slow ) relay overload logic on the screen and cathode.


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