[Amps] Lube for roller inductor

Fuqua, Bill L wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Fri Aug 3 14:38:40 EDT 2018

   I found a nice looking roller inductor among a lot of stuff I got from a SK sale.

It looks commercially made but it does definitely have aluminum wire on the form rivited

on the ends not soldered as you would do with silver plated wire.

   Don't intend to use it because I expect it will not work well.


Bill wa4lav

From: Amps <amps-bounces at contesting.com> on behalf of Stan Gammons <s_gammons at charter.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 9:38 PM
To: Carl; amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Lube for roller inductor

It may be silver plated copper wound on a ceramic form. It's all nice and shiny though. Silver will tarnish over time.  I'd think it would be black like the coil in my L-4B. I about have to use a tuner since I don't have the room for a full length 80/75 meter antenna.

Yes, the Murch I have only goes to 80 meters.



On August 1, 2018 7:41:41 PM CDT, Carl <km1h at jeremy.qozzy.com> wrote:
>Aluminum for the coil???  I kind of doubt that but Ive been wrong a few
>The  Murch I remember only went to 80M also. Most tuners have
>C to work well at 80/160 when those were the lowest frequencies they
>and adding more L just let the smoke out faster.
>When Stephen Elliot took over from his father he made several business
>changes, their coil wasnt all that good at high power and some loads
>I dont even own a tuner and modify the amps as needed and/or play with
>Smith Chart to come up with some length of coax, any impedance, to look
>to the amp when added to the feed.
>Ham since 1955
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Stan Gammons" <s_gammons at charter.net>
>To: "Carl" <km1h at jeremy.qozzy.com>; <amps at contesting.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2018 7:38 PM
>Subject: Re: [Amps] Lube for roller inductor
>> Hi Carl,
>> I had taken the roller inductor out of the MFJ tuner to clean the
>> since a couple of spots made a noticeable amount of static in the
>> signal when I tuned across those spots on the inductor. Perhaps too
>> power dumped in it from my L-4B :) When I took it out I noticed the
>> Delrin plate had came back apart. It was broken when I got the tuner
>and I
>> tried to repair it when regular epoxy. It held for a good while. This
>> I used some Loctite plastic bonder which will bond to Delrin if you
>> the surface up with some 220 grit sand paper. After gluing the Delrin
>> and letting it cure for 24 hours, I reassembled the roller inductor.
>> feels different now and is easier to turn. If my Sencore LC75 is
>> the roller doesn't contact the coil in various places. So, I guess
>> time get another roller inductor. Or use the Murch tuner I have. It
>has a
>> beefy roller inductor in it. Looks like #8 aluminum. I don't think it
>> match as well as the T network used in the older MFJ-989C tuner
>> The Murch tuner only has an 18 uh roller inductor too. The one in the
>> is 30 uh.
>> I'm not sure when OEP quit making roller inductors. Seems like the
>email I
>> got from Steven Elliot said around 20 years ago. I had sent an email
>> picture asking about the Delrin part because MFJ seem to think OEP
>> it, but Steven said that wasn't a part for the inductor they made.
>> still makes air variable caps.
>> Thanks for telling me about Cardwell Condenser. I didn't know anyone
>> made any of the E.F. Johnson stuff. May need some of that when I ever
>> around to building that GI-7B amp. Too many projects and too little
>> time...
>> 73
>> Stan
>> On 08/01/2018 05:01 PM, Carl wrote:
>>> Stan, I wasnt aware that OEP quit production, I used to buy many
>>> years ago.
>>> Another place to check is Cardwell Condenser who is now part of
>>> and they still make the old Johnson 229 series..
>>> Carl
>>> ----- Or
>>> iginal Message ----- From: Stan Gammons
>>> To: Carl ; amps at contesting.com
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2018 3:38 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Amps] Lube for roller inductor
>>> Hi Carl,
>>> MFJ said they use SAF-T-EZE anti-seize.
>>> Oren Elliot no longer makes roller inductors. They said they stopped
>>> selling them to MFJ around 20 years ago and MFJ makes their own
>>> inductors now.
>>> 73
>>> Stan
>>> KM4HQE
>>> On August 1, 2018 10:32:17 AM CDT, Carl <km1h at jeremy.qozzy.com>
>>> Why not contact MFJ who builds theirs as well as Oren Elliot
>>> plus Multi Tech Industries who builds "big" ones.Carl----- Original
>>> Message ----- From: "Stan Gammons" <s_gammons at charter.net>To:
>>> <amps at contesting.com>Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2018 11:29 PMSubject:
>>> [Amps] Lube for roller inductor On 07/07/2018 01:05 PM, Bert wrote:
>>> don't think Penetrox is a good idea for a roller inductor. As far as
>>> know, Penetrox is only conductive if put under pressure. I would
>>> one of the CAIG DeOxit products, e.g. DeOxit 5. Bert VE3NR Kind of
>>> reviving this thread since I have a roller inductor that was acting
>a bit
>>> flaky, so I took it out and gave it a good cleaning in my ultrasonic
>>> cleaner. No lubes left on it now and it's very clean. So, what is
>>> consensus, DeOxit D5 is Ok to use to use on the roller? Unsure how
>>> of a lubricant it is, but I know it's a great contact cleaner. 73
>>> KM4HQE Amps mailing list Amps at contesting.com
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