[Amps] When to leave the amp on vs turn off.

MU 4CX250B 4cx250b at miamioh.edu
Sun Aug 26 12:44:23 EDT 2018

Gary, I doubt you will find a drop-in replacement blower for the
original rotron blower in your amplifier. It's a wonderful blower, and
extremely reliable, but hasn't been made for years. Mine is thirty
years old and still going strong. Of course, there would never be a
need to replace the squirrel cage, and it should be possible to find
an equivalent motor if the need arises.
Jim w8zr
Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 25, 2018, at 7:06 AM, Gary Smith <Gary at ka1j.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> For years I've turned on the amp when
> needed or when anticipated I will likely
> use it as trying to work a DXpedetion or
> sked. Turning off the amp, I've waited
> till the tubes (pair of 8877 & another amp
> with a pair of 3-500) are cooled down &
> then turned off when done. Sometimes I
> plan to use the amp later in the day &
> wonder if I should turn it off & restart
> later or better to leave it running.
> I've been concerned that frequent
> cool-down & warm-up will cause future
> leaks from excessive contraction/expansion
> of the tubes. At the same time I have
> concerns for leaving the fan on
> un-necessarily.
> A replacement blower for the old Alpha SX
> will be less expensive than replacing
> tubes but replacement blowers for it I
> understand, are difficult to obtain.
> I'm interested in thoughts about when it's
> best to shut down an amp vs better to
> leave it running. Other than the obvious
> mechanical wear on the fan, is there an
> issue on the tubes or PS by leaving the
> amp on but unused for hours at a time.
> What's a practical rule of thumb?
> 73,
> Gary
> KA1J
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