[Amps] door knob capacitors needed

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 08:54:33 EST 2018

Two points about the Russian doorknobs:  1.  My expereince has been
that the threaded ends twist off easily.  Be careful and don't
over-tighten.  2.  They are metric so brass screws from Ace Hardware
won't work.  MacMaster-Carr has metric brass fasteners.

Agree with Carl about the data or lack of it.  For this reason I use
them in non-critical places such as feedline matching networks.  In a
transmitter that's a PITA to get into and repair, I go with HECs
because I can select the right cap for the job based on current and v.
data for 1000 kc.


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