[Amps] Defining CCS

Doug Renwick ve5ra at sasktel.net
Mon Jan 1 17:58:21 EST 2018

"Political correctness is a weapon used to silence people who tell the
truth" - Ayaan Hirsi Ali 


-----Original Message-----

Excellent definition "S",  have you checked the mirror lately,
this one fits you like a T.
You promote the same old BS every time you post here,
your the abuser.
sounds like the same person who wrote wiki knows you in

> On 02/01/18 02:58, Manfred Mornhinweg wrote:
>> I wonder why we are even discussing all this CCS versus ICAS stuff
>> here. We are radio amateurs, right? Not broadcasters. I fail to see
>> what's the sense of having a CCS amplifier for our ham use!
> It's called "Virtue Signalling".
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtue_signalling
> Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values done
> primarily with the intent of enhancing standing within a social group.
> Usually this is done by Narcissists, particularly when it is
> repetitively pursued at the pathological level, as it is done here in
> this group.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism
> Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable
> treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves
> special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority,
> and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person.
> Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger
> narcissistic rage.
> Ham Radio is completely overcome with Narcissists now.  Contrast the
> current era of political correctness vs the era of experimentation.
> Narcissists DO NOT WANT experimentation because it is illegal and
> immoral, and also a new fact may emerge that embarrasses them for
> requires them to recant some thing that they stated as fact and required
> compliance on - as if they were some religious leader, which of course
> they all are.
> They best way to stop it, is to wreck their game at every turn all the
> time whilst NOT expending emotion on them - exactly the thing that they
> crave.  Face them to go elsewhere.
> Ham Radio to these people is a feeding ground, and there's metric tonnes
> of food to be gained from unsuspecting people I assure you.
> Too bad admin allows it, but maybe he's enjoying the glow of his
> glorious feeding ground right here.
> Steve ZL1BHD

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