[Amps] Plate Choke Issue

AJ iamfromcanadaalso at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 18:38:47 EST 2018

Jim, Manfred, Mark, Vic et-al

Sorry people been busy.

On Wed, 3 Jan 2018 19:26:52 -0800
"Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:

> Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2018 07:21:37 +1300
> From: Steve Wright <stevewrightnz at gmail.com>
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Plate Choke Issue
> On 04/01/18 04:28, AJ wrote:
> > This time I was able to measure where it blew apart, ~20 uh from
> > end to end. I slid the wire off the broken ceramic and slid it onto
> > a new one mounted it in the amp to measure. I am referring to RFC-1
> <Well, 20uH in series with the tubes output capacitance is resonant on
> <about 6-8 MHz.? That might be worth exploring..
> <S
> ##  Nope.   Tube output capacitance between anode and grounded grid is
> in PARALLEL with the plate choke, NOT in series with it. 
> ##  There is no way in hell a 27 / 31.8 uh choke  will have its  1st
> series resonance in any HF band.   A  50 uh  choke,  regardless of
> length to diam ratio, will  always have its 1st series resonance  at
> 35 mhz,  well above the 10m band.  
> ##  Henry radio, in its 8 K ultra, using the   3CX-3000A7 tube, used
> a 2 piece plate choke setup.  Large choke was  180 uh, wound with 24
> gauge wire.  Small  choke was just 20 uh, and wound with 18 gauge
> wire.  Last production units made   used a  different 2  choke
> setup.  The original  180 + 20 uh  plate choke setup was goofy at
> best.

Interesting that Henry had a 20 uh choke for 20,15,10. That seems to be
where it blew apart. 

> ##  a tube arc on any of the 4 x 3CPX-800’s would not cause the
> destruction of the ceramic form he has the smaller choke wound on.  
> ##  His  larger choke really requires 2-3  x  4700 pf ceramic bypass
> caps. His smaller choke should have its uh increased to 50 uh.   The
> smaller choke should ideally use  1-2  x  500 pf doorknob style
> bypass caps, like a  HT-50 or HT-58 series, which are available in 5
> kv..and also 7.5 kv.    

This would require me to add another relay at the feed point if I
understand you correctly.

I have wound a 19.5 and a 50; will first attempt the 50.

> ##  I would like to know what bands each choke is used on, and what
> type of relay he is using to toggle between chokes.

This RFC1 is used on 20,15,10. RFC2 is used on 160,80,40.
The relay is a G43C232.

> Jim   VE7RF

Hi people

Ok here's what I have found.

I checked the relay, Manufacture says 

Across Open Contacts pF 1.2 measured 1.19
Contacts to Ground   pF 1.2 measured 1.18

Relay resistance contact 
Max @ 1A, 28 Vdc  0.02 Ω
Measured .012 Ω

Measured V1 plate to chassis 10.99 pf
Measured V2 plate to chassis 10.81 pf
Measured V3 plate to chassis 10.97 pf
Measured V4 plate to chassis 10.69 pf

This seems normal.

Hi-potted the tubes just make sure there are no issues. 1.2 - 1.4 @ 7kv

Checked the doorknob caps in the tank and bypass for shorts, cracks,
carbon tracks, capacitance values. None found.

I took a couple of the ceramics I have used and tossed them into the
microwave for a few seconds at first and then 10 secs and then to 5
minutes no heating was measured. I have not put the broken ones into
it. Naw thanks but no thanks.

Tested the choke in the amp and out of the amp without the connection
to tube or hv. There was .1 uhy difference that could be my zeroing
difference. It has 2.1 pf of capacitance 32 uhy where it is mounted.
Will check it with the 50 mounted.

Just a notation to everyone reading this the choke in reference in
inverted. The voltage comes in the top and out the bottom to connect to
the relay to switch the chokes. There is 1.5 inches to the chassis from
the hot point.

I have not figure or checked the Q, that I should do . . .

I will attempt a power up and heat check of the various components (ir

A flash over to the chassis through the ceramic insulator to the ss
bolt is possible, it was excessively long and reused. I have ordered
some ceramic bolts to eliminate that possibility.

Heck all I need is a Phantom Flex and video it. :(

I will update with more info.

Thanks to all that replied, I will keep this updated as time
happens. Any other suggestions appreciated, makes the grey matter

Sincerely AJ___ VE3HJ

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