[Amps] Defining CCS

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Mon Jan 15 23:56:28 EST 2018

Another anecdotal data point to Jeff's and Bill's comments.  I've used Alpha
86s, 87As and 91Bs continually in my RTTY contesting at P49X for 15 years
now.  Never had a failure and I'm nearly always dual-CQing on two bands.
So, the amps are close to 50% key-down for the weekend.

Being conservative I have the optional muffin fan on the power supply as
well as another muffin fan mounted above the tube exhaust holes to help draw
air off.

Ed P49X (W0YK)

-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jeff Blaine
Sent: 01 January, 2018 11:58
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Defining CCS

I don't know about that.  I'm like Bill - got tired of my amps dying in 
the middle of RTTY contesting.  Never had a new modern amp and the old 
stuff was always breaking down for some reason or another.

The otherwise good 76PA would make the 80m toroid so hot it would cause 
smoke to come off the tape that was wrapped around the core.  The 
transformer would get hot but if the muffin fan was big enough you could 
keep the surface temps reasonable - that does not say much about the 
internal temp though.  My reworked SB200 was a great amp but air flow 
was critical and the last time the muffin fan seized up on that I pulled 
it out of the lineup and used that as an excuse to get busy on the 
homebrew project.

The upside to this is that I have hardware that does not die in contests 
and that is robust.  The downside is that it is expensive to make that 
kind of stuff both in terms of time and outright spend.  Plus there are 
a thousand things that become weak spots and are discovered after the fact.

So when you see a work of art that has no significant weaknesses and 
excellent performance, you can bet the guy spent a ton of hours on that 
amp and in gaining the skills to build the last one - as well as a lot 
of bucks over the years.  Like radios - there is no "perfect" amp - they 
all have some issue one way or another.  Just depends on what you value 
and what your needs are.


On 01-Jan-18 1:46 PM, Steve Wright wrote:
> On 02/01/18 02:58, Manfred Mornhinweg wrote:
>> I wonder why we are even discussing all this CCS versus ICAS stuff
>> here. We are radio amateurs, right? Not broadcasters. I fail to see
>> what's the sense of having a CCS amplifier for our ham use!
> It's called "Virtue Signalling".
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtue_signalling
> Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values done
> primarily with the intent of enhancing standing within a social group.
> Usually this is done by Narcissists, particularly when it is
> repetitively pursued at the pathological level, as it is done here in
> this group.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism
> Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable
> treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves
> special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority,
> and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person.
> Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger
> narcissistic rage.
> Ham Radio is completely overcome with Narcissists now.  Contrast the
> current era of political correctness vs the era of experimentation.
> Narcissists DO NOT WANT experimentation because it is illegal and
> immoral, and also a new fact may emerge that embarrasses them for
> requires them to recant some thing that they stated as fact and required
> compliance on - as if they were some religious leader, which of course
> they all are.
> They best way to stop it, is to wreck their game at every turn all the
> time whilst NOT expending emotion on them - exactly the thing that they
> crave.  Face them to go elsewhere.
> Ham Radio to these people is a feeding ground, and there's metric tonnes
> of food to be gained from unsuspecting people I assure you.
> Too bad admin allows it, but maybe he's enjoying the glow of his
> glorious feeding ground right here.
> Steve ZL1BHD
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