[Amps] Sad State of the Hobby

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Fri Jan 19 14:23:40 EST 2018

On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 12:57:30PM -0500, Frank Kirschner wrote:
> John,
> Do the kits include finished sheet metal?  I no longer have facilities for
> producing cabinets and chassis.

W6PQL does not have the finished sheet metal.

This kit does:


I also do not really have the skills to deal with making a chassis for
an amp or maybe the desire to bend metal and do all the work I have
seen folks do.  But I can drill holes etc.

When working on my W6PO 2M 8877 a few years ago I needed to find something
to put the power supply in - and I found a cabinet from these folks. 


It was great. 
Fast shipping.
Reply to emails very quickly.
First rate product. 

K5AND did all the real work on the power supply.  Here are some photos
fo the power supply build:


I am planning on using one of their boxs for my 432 Mhz amp.

And for the front panel I will and have used: 


The software is easy to use and the results are amazing looking. 

You can see this on the W6PQL amps and my 222 amp:


George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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