[Amps] Shipping a heavy HV Transformer

Victor Rosenthal 4X6GP k2vco.vic at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 09:11:01 EST 2018

I once received a 50 lb. transformer from Peter Dahl wrapped in many 
layers of small-size bubble wrap. The whole thing was placed in a large 
cardboard box about 3 times the size of the transformer.
The transformer arrived undamaged.
I'm not recommending this method, just saying.

Victor, 4X6GP
Rehovot, Israel
Formerly K2VCO
On 20 Jan 2018 02:05, Ed Stallman wrote:
> I'm selling a HV Transformer  and have questions on the best way to 
> pack. The transformer weighs 85LBs and is approximately a 12 inch cube . 
> At this time I have it bolted to a 5/8 inch plywood pallet.
> I know Alpha and Acom ship their transformers in a heavy duty cardboard 
> box . I'm not sure where to find a heave duty box ?  I could use 3/8 or 
> 7/16 plywood plus wood screws to build a nice strong box  but I'm 
> thinking UPS or Fedex wants it to be in a cardboard box ?
> Your thoughts and ideas are appreciated
> Ed N5DG

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