[Amps] Shipping a heavy HV Transformer

John Lyles jtml at losalamos.com
Sat Jan 20 16:44:29 EST 2018

The procedure that David Craig, N3DB, is the extreme but probably best 
way. For 85 lbs, a plywood box with framing, or even strapping onto a 
pallet and shipping motor freight are reasonable ways.

I have shipped some 25-40 lb HV, filament, chokes and modulation 
transformers in the past this way with success:
1) Find boxes that are thick wall cardboard, (look up ULINE for 
instance) and that are sized so that one is about inch or two thicker 
than the other.
2) Mount the iron with bolts on a plywood rectangle that fits the bottom 
of the smaller box. Counterbore the holes so bolts don't stick out.
3) Put pieces of hard foamed insulation board (from Lowes, get 1 1/2 
inch thick if that is available) over the terminal studs, cut small 
holes for the threads to go into the foamed board.
4) Put one sheet of the foamed insulation in the bottom of the box, 
cover the entire dimension.
5) Place the transformer on plywood down into this box.
6) Shove insulation board sheets around all four sides, and one flat 
piece on top, and tape the box shut with heavy shipping tape. There 
should be no movement of the transformer in this box if it is tipped or 
7) Cut insulation boards to put around all 6 sides of this box, as it is 
inserted into the large box. Mark THIS SIDE UP arrows. This extra level 
of protection prevents things from sticking through the box and ruining 
the transformer insulation.
8) Seal, insure and ship.
9) Pray that UPS, FEDEX, DHL, USPS don't throw this box.

I have a large collection of audio, HV, filament, modulation and chokes 
that come from commercial HF, Broadcast rigs,local surplus store (before 
it closed) and from at least three old timers who became SK. Give me a 
shout with your requirements, I might have something to fit the bill. I 
am not getting any younger and I only keep this stuff in my shed to 
prevent the loss of these still valuable components for amplifier and 
transmitter builders. As more of the tube builders disappear, this iron 
is basically boat anchors. Someday I may post a listing. Shipping big 
iron is a real PITA!

John Lyles

 > From: Ed Stallman
 > Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 6:05 PM
 > To: amps at contesting.com
 > Subject: [Amps] Shipping a heavy HV Transformer
 > I'm selling a HV Transformer  and have questions on the best way to
 > pack. The transformer weighs 85LBs and is approximately a 12 inch cube .
 > At this time I have it bolted to a 5/8 inch plywood pallet.
 > I know Alpha and Acom ship their transformers in a heavy duty cardboard
 > box . I'm not sure where to find a heave duty box ?  I could use 3/8 or
 > 7/16 plywood plus wood screws to build a nice strong box  but I'm
 > thinking UPS or Fedex wants it to be in a cardboard box ?

 > ------------------------------
 > Message: 2
 > Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 08:42:40 -0500
 > From: "David H Craig" <davidhcraig at verizon.net>
 > 	My Harbach purchases of similar size  arrived with a plywood base as 
I recall, an if my CRS-ridden memory serves correctly, this was then 
encased in a heavy duty cardboard box (all 3 dimensions). They key 
however was the insulation (and the "This Side UP!" sticker... Anyway, 
the transformer was bolted to the base (which I recall was 3/4" to allow 
for countersinking the bottom bolts) and then (or rather more likely 
being cardboard boxed) wrapped in an insulation foil (likely aluminum) 
impervious to acetone and other foam insulation sealers. The interior 
was then thoroughly sprayed with what I believe was polyester 
resin-based spray foam. It was likely the high-expansion type, as it 
conformed to every curve, corner, you name it. If I ever ship one again 
I'd do the same thing.
 > 	My $.02 would be use either a thick aluminum foil carefully 
conformed as best you can, or a piece of foil insulation to cover the 
transformer (base wood included.) I'd then line the outer cardboard box 
with wax paper overlapped as roofing paper (tar paper) is and tape the 
seams w/ Tyvek tape, or spray it with anything acetone/MEK/ polyester 
has no absorption or other effect.  Last and most important: After 
transferring the covered transformer to the box, a can of polyester 
spray foam to fill all voids.
 > 	You could also make a solid plywood box but the use of polyester 
resin-based filler is the same. If however the plywood box happened to 
have NOT been coated with wax paper (or mold-release wax builders use 
for fiberglass hull molds) you'll have one whopper of a task before you 
to just unwrap it.  If I can find my photos of the last one I purchased 
I'll send them on.

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