[Amps] 6 Meter Pi net and Tuned Input Calculator
donroden at hiwaay.net
donroden at hiwaay.net
Sun Jul 15 12:47:06 EDT 2018
Don't let the stray caps get ya.
Quoting Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net>:
> Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2018 20:40:52 -0500
> From: "Jim W7RY" <jimw7ry at gmail.com>
> To: "AMPS" <amps at contesting.com>
> Subject: [Amps] 6 Meter Pi net and Tuned Input Calculator
> <Looking for a pi network calculator that covers 6 meters.
> <GM3SEK site just goes through 10 meters.
> <Thanks
> <73
> <Jim W7RY
> ## sure it does. I use it almost continually. Just enter what
> ever freq u want.
> ## I use it for PI nets. I also use it for PI TUNED INPUTS.
> ## beware, when using his online calculator, the one thing it wont handle is
> say 50 ohms to 50 ohms... like on a tuned input, using a tube with
> a 50 ohm input Z.
> No big deal, just enter 50 to 49.... or 49-50 ohms. Similarly
> you cant enter
> 75 ohms to 75 ohms... or any other combo where the Zs are identical.
> ## I have used the online calculator for tube amps... from new
> 475 khz band.....
> up to 50.125 mhz ..and everything in between.
> ## when used for tuned inputs the plate load Z now becomes the 50
> ohm xcvr output. The ant
> Z now becomes the desired tube input Z.
> ## The beauty of his online calculator is.. it factors everything
> in, like the all important
> stray C.....and also the stray L
> ## On bands like 15-12-10-6m, I typ install a small coil, between
> plate block cap..and main
> C1 tune cap. That extra tiny bit of uh, + tubes anode to
> chassis C, forms a step down L network,
> making for a reasonable Q to be used. Without it, the typ loaded
> Q on upper HF is sky high.
> Then u can also see at a glance how that effect drops off, as you
> move down in freq, like lower bands.
> ## I have found on metal tubes like the 3x3, etc, that the anode
> to chassis C will rise, due to proximity
> of the lower anode fins..to chassis below.... vs testing with LCR
> meter on the wooden bench. On the
> wooden bench, I get identical results to Eimac specs. It will
> also rise due to proximity to side and rear walls etc.
> ## All this stray C..and intended or un intended uh can easily
> be measured,and factored in.
> ## It will also factor in the plate choke XL. Use to small a
> plate choke on say 160M band, and you will
> have to use a lot more tune C, since you are in essence, parallel
> resonating the plate choke anyway.
> ## same deal with the bifilar used on a GG amp. The 10 uh
> bifilar on a SB-220 can be used on 160m,
> BUT the C2 cap on the tuned input will have to be increased by
> aprx 900 pf.
> ## The VK1SV spreadsheet is ur generic PI spreadsheet..which
> wont compensate for all of the above, which is
> why we dont use it, or similar generic PI spreadsheets.
> Jim VE7RF
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