[Amps] 220 / 240 Volt filament transformer for 3CX3000 wanted

Chris Wilson chris at chriswilson.tv
Fri Jul 20 13:01:50 EDT 2018

Hello Chris,

On Wednesday, July 18, 2018,  you wrote:

>   18/07/2018 15:08

> Anyone got a 220 / 240V filament transformer for a 3CX3000 for sale? I
> am in the UK but unable to source one here at the moment. Thanks.

I  believe  I am sorted thanks. I have been pointed to a UK comany who
can  make  a  toroidal  core  one  with  4  primary  taps  for voltage
adjustment   at  £85  UK  Sterling  plus  VAT  at  20%  Sounds  pretty
reasonable! (About $133 US including the VAT tax).


Best regards,
 Chris                            mailto:chris at chriswilson.tv

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