[Amps] Revival advice

Matt maflukey at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 23:14:59 EDT 2018

I am in need of some amp revival advice.   I have a 1st generation Gonset
GSB201 that I want to restart.   I have not put power to it since 2008 when
I replaced the power supply caps.   It worked fine at that time.   Since
then the amp & myself have moved cross country with the amp stored for years
in a semi-conditioned (no humidity control) environment.   The tubes are the
older model Svetlana 811As (with anode heat sinks) last replaced about
2002ish and have low hours.   I also have the set of well used RCAs that I
pulled in 2002.    I have the amp at home now in a full conditioned
environment and thought I would let it set there for a week or so to dry out
in the event something inside soaked up some of that humidity.


Should I bring it up on the old RCAs since I understand it's hard to get
good replacement tubes?

Should I/can I use a Variac to bring it up slowly without having to do
disconnect anything inside the amp?

If I get it up to HV, how long do I need to heat the anodes to activate the
gettering process?  The amp has no internal shutoff bias so it normally
flows anode current at idle.

Anything else I should be aware of?


Many thanks for advice!






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