[Amps] Relationship between Q and SWR in PI network.

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Fri May 25 13:17:24 EDT 2018

Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 15:09:52 -0700
From: Paul Baldock <paul at paulbaldock.com>
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] Relationship between Q and SWR in PI network.

<Does anybody know the relationship between Q and SWR for a PI network?

<For example let's say I design my amp PI output network for 7.0MHz. I 
<simulate the Tube Impedance with a 1K resistor. I put my MFJ259 on 
<the output of the PI and tweak the load and tune caps for a perfect 
<1:1 (50 Ohm) SWR. I now leave the caps where they were and adjust the 
<frequency to show the upper and low 2:1 SWR points and they are 
<7.2MHz and 6.8MHz. (2:1)=Fo/(Fu-Fl)=7.0/(7.2-6.8)=17.5. In practice 
<this is in fact about 1.5 times my design Q, but I would like to know 
<what theory says.

<- Paul  KW7Y

##  I believe it was myself that discovered  that trick with  moving the MFJ-259B 
up and down in freq to find the 2:1  swr points....after tweaking the tune + load
for 1:1  swr initially.   I just did it for a laugh,  on 160M, to see how wide the 2:1 swr points
would end up at.  Then tried the same stunt on  80m, 40,  30, 20,  17 , 15m.  My amp does
not work on either 12 or 10m. I have no interests in those bands.  

## I used GM3SEKs  spread sheet to find the values for the coil, and tune and load caps,
for a given plate load Z and  design freq. 

##  I used a Q = 10   using the spreadsheet, which amounts to an input Q of 8 ....and
an output Q  of 2.  Total = 10. 

##  On my 3x3 amp, the  2:1  swr points  were  67 khz wide on 160m,  and  134 khz wide on 80m,
and 275 khz wide on 40M. 565 khz wide on 20M.    That was also using  a total Q of 10. 
And a plate load  Z of  1960 ohms.

##  On our mutual friends amp, the 2:1 swr points   were  FAR different on each band  vs my amp.... his used a 
different tube and an even lower plate load Z.   I believe his were all narrower,  but I may be wrong, his might have been
a lot wider.    But in any event his 2:1 points kept doubling as he doubled the freq.  
His was designed around a lower plate load  Z than mine..about  70%  of mine. 

##  I just chaulked it up to some anomoly..like using different plate load Zs. 
What I did not try.... was to  design for a different plate load Z,
but same Q,  then re-tap the tank coil for each band... then  re-run the 2:1  swr  tests. 
You might want to try that, just as a temp experiment, to see if the 2:1  swr points 
narrow or widen, when designing around a different  plate load Z. 

##  What I did note was that my  15M   2:1  swr bandwidth was way outa wack,,was way too narrow.
It should have been around  800 khz,  but was way less than that.   That was cause I had to use a higher Q
on 15M, since the vac tune cap only had  10 pf of min C..and the  tube C  alone was  33 pf.   So 43 pf,
with tune cap  fully un-meshed..... forcing me to use less coil than optimum..resulting in a higher loaded  Q. 
The eventual fix for that  was to insert  aprx .66 uh  between plate block cap  and C1  tune cap. That forms
the step down L network..which reduced the plate load Z  way down on 15M, then  a  total Q of 8 could be
employed... which rises to a Q of 12, when 15M  tap re-used on 17M. 
Then the   15M 2:1 SWR  bw improved, and was where it should be.   Since I have no bandswitch,
the  20M  tubing coil was tacked onto end of roller.  The combo  17 + 15M  tap  was done with a 
modified  HV  contactor. 

###  Since I use the roller coil on 160-30m.... then a tapped   tubing  coil for 20-17-15M... I should have
temp changed the roller  setting on the lower bands.... designing for a higher  and also lower plate load Z... but
designing around the same loaded Q,  and  re-run the 2:1  swr tests.   The idea of course is to see if there is
any correlation between  2:1  SWR BW  and  plate load Z.  

##  IF also changing the loaded Q in the design, then  the  2:1 swr points  WILL change of course, with higher
loaded Q designs having narrower  2:1  swr points.... and vice versa.   

##  You have a 400 khz  BW  for your  2:1  swr points on 40M....for a 1 k ohm plate load Z.   Mine is 
only 275 khz wide on 40M, but I used a total Q of 10.  If I use a Q of 12,  my 2:1  swr points would be even narrower.

##  Using your formulae,  my loaded Q =  25.45  on each band... which is nonsense of course.  It would be on 
fire with that high a loaded Q.   I believe the  formulae is invalid in this case.  

##  Typ the current through the coil is aprx the loaded Q    X  the plate current in amps. l temp inserted  an
RF ammeter in series with the 50 ohm end of the tank coil..and the measured current was dead on.  That was 
done on 160,  80 m only.   I also tried inserting the RF ammeter in series with the tuned input coil..and
also got identical results.   Q  X  2A... 200 watts into a 50 ohm load.....  = RF ammeter current.    

##  I would suggest not losing sleep over it, and use the calculated coil value.. and calculated  tune and load
cap values...and call it a day. 

Jim   VE7RF

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