[Amps] new 2200m/630m amplifier - distorted waveform output

Roger Graves ve7vv at shaw.ca
Sun May 27 18:50:45 EDT 2018

Hello Manfred,

Thank you very much for the quick and very informative reply.

I will follow your advice and work on eliminating the turn-on transient. There are 56 Ohm gate resistors and a small amount of gate to drain capacitance “negative feedback" (gate and drain wiring is twisted pair). I will look into implementing your suggestions.

I will build a Pi type LPF to use with this amp as you suggest.

Re. the distortion with center-tap primary. Ah, of course. I knew about the 1 turn primary problem but, duh, failed to have the insight that this would be the same with 3T. Thanks for the nice explanation. I think I was lucky not to have blown the FET’s trying the center-tap feed.

The screenshots that I attached to my post email did not appear on the amps website. I have uploaded them to:
http://qsl.net/v/ve7vv//Temp/Waveform at antenna.png <http://qsl.net/v/ve7vv//Temp/Waveform%20at%20antenna.png>
http://qsl.net/v/ve7vv//Temp/Waveform at dummy load.png <http://qsl.net/v/ve7vv//Temp/Waveform%20at%20dummy%20load.png>


> On May 27, 2018, at 11:58 AM, Manfred Mornhinweg <manfred at ludens.cl> wrote:
> Roger,
>> 1) When PTT is asserted (with no RF drive), which results in a relay
>> applying the gate bias and doing the antenna change over, there is a
>> turn on transient visible on an oscilloscope. There are two short
>> bursts of oscillation (at max power) each at about 100 kHz. This is
>> over by about 1 msec after which it seems stable.
>> Should I worry about this? If so, can you suggest a cure?
> I would worry about every sort of instability.
> During bias change conditions, a FET can run through several instability conditions, related to the changing internal capacitances. The best I can suggest to cure this is to improve the overall stability of the amplifier, for example by heavy, broadband gate swamping. Broadband means all the way from DC to beyond the highest frequency at which the FET might try to oscillate. That's probably ten megahertz or so for the FET you are using. Good groundplane construction is important, very short source leads, good bypassing, etc. Negative feedback, directly from drain to gate through a resistor and a capacitor, is very useful too in aiding stability. Even a weak negative feedback helps.
>> 2) The output waveform is close to a sinewave (with no LPF) when
>> driving a 50 Ohm dummy load. However, when driving my antenna,
>> especially on 137 kHz, the waveform is distorted.  > On 137 kHz the
> > antenna load is 50 Ohm and close to resistive (at 137 kHz) as best as
> > I can measure.
> FETs are inherently nonlinear, even more so the switching FETs, and specially when operated at low bias. So a distorted waveform is to be expected. If the distortion is moderate, you might not immediately see it on a scope, but it's still there.
> FETs, just like bipolar transistors and pentodes, perform as current sources. If you have a small amount of distortion in the combined drain current, and apply this to a load resistor, the voltage you see on your scope only has the same small distortion, which might be too small to notice. But your antenna, despite offering a clean load on the operating frequency, surely has a high reactive impedance on the harmonics. So the small harmonic currents cause large voltage drops across the antenna, at harmonic frequencies, and they are phase-shifted too. And that's why the voltage waveform you see looks more distorted with the antenna than with a resistive load, and probably changes with frequency (varying phase shifts between fundamental and harmonics).
>> I tried inserting a 1:1 balun at the output of the
>> output transformer, which had no effect.
> No surprise. A balun shouldn't be frequency-selective.
>> A LPF cleans up what comes
>> out of the filter nicely. However, the input to the filter (amp
>> output) still looks distorted in the same way. I am using a T format
>> LPF which I believe is the correct configuration for the amp output
>> stage which is (correct me if I am wrong) voltage feed b/c of the
>> center tapped choke DC connection. 
> The amplifier would be a voltage source of RF if it runs saturated, or if it has heavy negative feedback. In those cases a T filter would be fine. But you aren't saturating it. If you don't have heavy fedback there, it's basically a current source, and should be better served by a PI-type filter.
>> The input drive to the amplifier
>> looks like a nice sinewave in all conditions.
> Which means that you don't have negative feedback, or at least no strong negative feedback. Due to the nonlinear nature of FETs, heavy negative feedback results in distorting the gate voltage waveform, in such a way that it largely compensates for the device nonlinearity, resulting in a pretty clean drain voltage waveform.
>> Do you see a problem operating the amp into a T (inductor input and
>> output) LPF with the distorted output (voltage) waveform? It seems to
>> be running reasonably cool so I don?t see an overheating problem.
> It shouldn't cause a big problem, but be sure to measure IMD to ascertain this.
>> I
>> would prefer to see a clean output from the amplifier and would like
>> to operate with linear modes occasionally so the distorted waveform
>> leads me worry about IMD (I have not run IMD tests).
> Many if not most solid state amplifiers work with very dirty internal waveforms. That's fine, as long as the output waveform (after the low pass filter) is clean enough, both regarding harmonics and IMD. In fact the most common amplifiers working inside nearly all our factory-made HF radios work essentially with square-wave current waveforms at the drains or collectors, and with very "funny" voltage waveforms. After the filter they achieve - just barely - adequate IMD and adequate to decent harmonics. This could be vastly improved, but hams aren't demanding better quality from the manufacturers, and so these go for the cheapest circuits that work "well enough".
>> Oscilloscope screenshots attached.
> Where can I see them?
>> BTW, I tried using a center tap on the output transformer instead of
>> the separate choke feed. The result was a badly distorted waveform
>> into the 50 Ohm dummy load on all bands. 
> No surprise...
>> I don?t understand why the
>> center tap method resulted in such a different output.
> That happened because you have 3 turns on that primary. A center tap results in what optimists call one and a half turns on each side. The problem is that half turns are a physical absurdity. They don't exist! What you really have is two separate cores, with independent, uncoupled magnetic paths, and one turn through BOTH cores plus one turn through ONLY ONE core, on each side. This results in a large uncoupled inductance on each side, resulting in the same behavior as if you had separate feed chokes for each FET: It forces the total drain current (the sum of both drain currents) to be a pure DC, and thus forces the load current to be square wave or something close to it. But near the zero crossings your sine drive waveform doesn't turn on the FETs enough to conduct that fixed total current. As a result the drain voltage on both FETs shows high spikes during the signal zero crossings.
> 99% of commercial ham equipment shows the same problem, attenuated to various degrees, depending on band, by strong negative feedback, large capacitance from drain to ground, and sometimes by avalanche discharge in the FETs!
> In your VLF amplifier you can easily avoid this problem by using the separate feed choke, or by feeding the amplifier through the transformer's center point BUT using an even number of primary turns, and building the transformer and the wiring in such a way that the leakage inductance is low enough (which means very low). In a 48V 200W VLF amplifier this is really easy, instead in 13V 100W amplifiers that have to work through 10m or even 6m it's hard to achieve, and with 48V 1.5kW ones it's nearly impossible. The problem is that the higher the voltage, the more ferrite cross section or more turns are needed. This results in higher leakage inductance. But the higher the frequency, and the lower the drain impedance (given by supply voltage and output power), the lower is the maximum acceptable leakage inductance. In your VLF amplifier the equation solves easily, but in a big amplifier that runs at up to 54MHz, and has an effective drain-to-drain impedance of 3 ohm, meaning 0.75 ohm drain load impedance on the FET that's conducting, you would need Harry Potter's help to get it right.
> Manfred
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