[Amps] *** PGXL Questions on CW Operation

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Nov 3 00:14:35 EDT 2018

##  Points well   taken.   Yes u need to buy the rasberry pi,  3 x fans, then cable  it  all . 
But still,  even if a ham didnt want to   plug in cables, and install  the 3 x fans,  Im sure
he could find   somebody  who would undertake the project.  Its  not a real kit in the sense
of a heathkit.   No soldering required on  the  B-26 german amp... just the myriad of 
interconnecting cabling between  module boards, installing the  raspberry pi  processor,
then installing the pair of  push pull  120mm fans for the PA heatsink, then the 80mm  fan
for the LP filters +  auto tuner. 

##  Some enterprising fellow   could possibly start a small  business,  doing the above. 
Then check the calibration, idle currents,, final testing etc.   The end user would still be
far ahead.   Another  $200.00  to install the misc items,  calibrate, test, would not be

Jim   VE7RF

Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 3:05 PM
To: Jim Thomson ; amps at contesting.com 
Subject: Re: [Amps] *** PGXL Questions on CW Operation


I have one of those German B-26 amps. It is very good: quiet and puts out more than 1500 W. But it is a kit: you have to do a some work and buy about $100 worth of components. I like mine, but I don't use it in QSK, as it has a 10 to 20 mS R/T delay. (There is more involved than just relays.)

But it is good value and is beautifully made (German)!



On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 07:59:47 -0700

"Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:

  Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 16:37:14 +0200

  From: Victor Rosenthal 4X6GP <k2vco.vic at gmail.com>

  To: amps at contesting.com

  Subject: Re: [Amps] Fwd: Fwd: *** PGXL Questions on CW Operation

  <Your comment about saving a few bucks in a $7K amplifier is on target.


  <Victor, 4X6GP

  ## $7K US funds translates into one helluva lot more in any country outside the USA. 

  Just checked, its $9800.00 here in Canada....+ tax, 

  + shipping. Thats a lotta money for no qsk,

  no pin diodes, or vac relays..and no schematics. 

  ## That german made B-26, 1.5 kw output SS amp, 

  160-6M, with the pair of BLF-189 XRAs is the better deal, 72% eff,

  runs cool... but still has no real qsk...20 msecs. But at least vac relays could be retrofitted into the SS amp. 

  The german amp is $3450.00 US funds, including built in 2 kw auto tuner, and your choice of 13 or 16 db,

  both 100 watt CCS rated input attenuator, and also shipping. You could easily buy TWO of the B-26s

  for what one PGXL cost. https://rf-kit.de/en/ 

  Jim VE7RF


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