[Amps] Problem with Emtron amp.
la0cx at tutanota.com
la0cx at tutanota.com
Wed Nov 28 12:56:46 EST 2018
MyEmtron DX-1b with QSK-option (vacuum-relay), bought new in 2002, hasbeen working flawlessly with the original GU74b until some weeks ago.Never used with more than 700w out.
Todayssituation: When using the amp intensly, as within a contest, aftersome minutes, the protection system cuts off for some seconds, as forexample in case of hight SWR. However, this cut-off occursindependently of driving transceiver, power, antenna, SWR andtemperature. The LED-indicators for IG2 start quickly to rise, jumpover to «overdrive» and cut-off happens. After 2 sec. amp is readyagain, everything seems to be normal, but the symptoms repeatthemselves.
Ihave adjusted tx-delay in trcv with bk, semi-bk, full-bk andtransmit-receive button, keying by MOS or reed relay; no difference.
HVshows normal value at the meter: 2.6 kV
Isuspected the tube, so 2 weeks ago the original tube has beenreplaced with a (formatted) spare one, no difference. IG-voltage isexactly as required 356 V.
Trcvris a IC7610. It drives other amps (Expert 1K-FA, AL-572) withoutproblems.
Iwould be grateful for any hints.
73sfrom Norway
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