[Amps] stuff forsale!

Jim W7RY jimw7ry at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 23:09:48 EDT 2018

A yc-156 is hardly a compact tube. Why does size matter?

STAY AWAY from using toridal inductors for tank circuits. Unless its just
for the L coil in a PI-L.

Use good ole wire wound coil. #10 or 12 is more that large enough on 160
meters. I use #14 for the 160 meter coil added to my 8877 amplifier. More
that large enough, even for high duty cycle.

Jim W7RY

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 11:31 AM Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:

> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2018 10:44:23 -0000
> From: "David Robbins" <k1ttt at verizon.net>
> To: "'Amps group'" <amps at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] stuff forsale!
> <They 'might' be ok on 160m, there are no big rtty contests on that band so
> <haven't actually tested one there.  The problem with 40m and 80m is due to
> <the shorted turns on the toroid creating lots of
> <heat which eventually melts
> <down the plastic support.  I went through several of them before I
> modified
> <one for 80m single band and this one forsale for 40-10m.  For the 80m
> single
> <band one  I removed the network for the high bands and put a larger toroid
> <on top of the rf deck.  For the 40-10m mod I replaced the 3 band toroid
> with
> <one that has only turns for 40m on it and also opened up the tiny air
> holes
> <a bit more.  As an added advantage they tune much nicer and run cooler
> than
> <the originals since the toroid isn't wasting all that rf making itself
> hot!
> <David Robbins K1TTT
> ## Why bother using a torroid at all ?   To actually do it right,  you end
> up with a lot of
> bulk and weight.   3 X   T-225-2B  torroids in a stack, wound with  10 or
> 12 gauge wire ends
> up being heavy. That was on a 160M  conversion.  Replaced that mess with a
> light weight piece
> of airdux...which ran stone cold.   You require at least  2 of the above
> torroids, each of which is
> one inch thick, to handle 1.5 kw on SSB  +  CW.   And you need 3 of em, to
> handle  RTTY.
> This was using the red, type  2 powdered iron cores.
> ##  I am in the process  of  helping to design a 160m  mono band  YC-156
> for a friend.
> I have access to  .375 inch edge wound ribbon coil stock.... and also .5
> inch, edge wound ribbon stock.
> That will make for  the most compact  coil assy..... vs  using a tubing
> coil.   Ceramic vac  tune cap used,
> plus a 50-4000 pf  ceramic  vac load cap.   Vac relays on both input and
> output, full qsk, since the fellow is
> a hard core  QSK  operator.   I also have some  8 gauge airdux coils,
> large diameter types, that would also work.
> ##  although  160 M  RTTY might not be as popular as other bands,  newer
> mode like  FT-8, esp on bands like 160M,
> would require a robust tank output  configuration.   This is not  rocket
> science.  The way to deal with heat...is to not generate
> it in the  1st place.
> Jim   VE7RF
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