[Amps] Variac knob wanted, with 3/8 hole !

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Wed Sep 26 22:44:30 EDT 2018

I desperately  require a knob for my small variac.  The shaft is  3/8"  diameter.   The max skirt I can handle is 

3"...and maybe  3.25" max.   At this point  I will use anything I can get my hands on....as long as it has a 3/8" hole for the  3/8"  shaft. 

I checked  my supply of knobs....and they are all  the usual  1/4".    And none of em can be machined out to 3/8"  either. 

If  anyone could help,  it would be much appreciated.  I just require one knob, thats  it. 

Jim  VE7RF  

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