[Amps] QRO 2500DX MARK lll 4CX800
Jim Thomson
jim.thom at telus.net
Thu Apr 4 15:05:09 EDT 2019
## The only xcvrs Apache labs are currently selling is the 100w
7000..and the 200w 8000.
They require an outboard HD 13.8 vdc supply. They only come with an
internal 13.8 to 50 vdc
supply. Plus they require a stand alone gaming PC, etc. IMO, the build
quality on the 7000 +
8000 is not quite up to standard...yet. Still a bunch of mickey mouse
issues that have to be dealt with.
## The 3CX-3000F7 will achieve its -59db IMD-3 with 200 w of drive at
aprx 5.5 kw pep out.
Its a moot point anyway. Use PS and TX with -70db IMD... and all that
happens is stations on either side of
you can now get closer to your freq. They dont hear you.... but you hear
them. If everyone used it, I estimate you
could almost double the number of stations on a given band. It will
take years to fully implement the concept.
## The 8910 is a good tube.... but you forgot to mention it idles at 9.375
kw.... which is a bunch. -47db pep for
IMD3 + IMD5 is superb for that power level. Toss in PS to the mix,
then it becomes -70 db for IMD3 and above.
Which is outstanding.... just whats required for folks with big ants..and
loads of power. Then you can also reduce
the idle power of the tube... and still maintain -70db imd3+ ...then the
whole thing comes together.
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Voelpel
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 11:21 AM
To: 'Jim Thomson'
Cc: amps at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [Amps] QRO 2500DX MARK lll 4CX800
All Apache Labs transceivers with dual receivers provide pure signal
capability as well as the Hermes SDR and Red Pitaya SDRs.
ADAT ADT-200 does it as well as few others.
You can´t get -59dB IMD-3 two tone test from a 3CX3000F7 at 8KW PEP output
which you will never reach with 100W drive power.
A 8910 tetrode with 200 ohms at the grid without neutralisation does 12KW
out with 100W of drive.
-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim Thomson
## The only modern SDR xcvr for sale on the market right now,
with...Pure signal... is the ANAN 7000 + 8000 xcvrs,
which,imo, are not ready for prime time. Esp judging by the 37 K postings
of various issues..on their yahoo group, that I belong to.
Pure signal will really take ahold when Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood start using
it in their future products.
## Heres my take on tubes Leigh. Why mess with a tetrode in the 1st
place ? Tetrodes offer ZERO
advantages over a high mu GG triode. Heck, you dont require a socket
on some triodes, nor regulated screen supplies, regulated
bias supplies, screen and anode current protection, + compensation on the
input for stray tube C, + neutralization etc, etc.
## A dead simple, single chinese 8877 GG triode amp makes more sense.
2 x 3-500Z is also dead simple..and instant on, no grid current
protection required..perhaps a simple fast 3agc grid fuse at most.
## From a HB perspective, why bother with a complicated mess, like the typ
tetrode ? A simple 3CX-3000F7 requires no socket, instant on,
rebuildable, 5-8 kw pep out..or CCS cxr, and -59db IMD-3. Most hams
will die before the tube does. Moot point, cuz your kids can have it
use it..then pass it on to their kids.
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