[Amps] QRO 2500DX MARK lll 4CX800
Jim Thomson
jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Apr 6 10:42:27 EDT 2019
From: gudguyham at aol.com
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 2:31 PM
To: jim.thom at telus.net ; invertech at frontierisp.net.au
Cc: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] QRO 2500DX MARK lll 4CX800
## A dead simple, single chinese 8877 GG triode amp makes more sense.
2 x 3-500Z is also dead simple..and instant on, no grid current
protection required..perhaps a simple fast 3agc grid fuse at most.
<If NOS 8877 tubes were like the GU-74 you bet your bibby all the amps using GU-74's would be 8877's
## At $350.00 each, or $700.00 for a pair, ( thats not a matched pair either)
## The chinese 8877 has now skyrocketed to an absurd $1075.00 http://www.ameritron.com/Product.php?productid=383-1500-A7F
## The eimac version is beyond insane at $2095.00 http://www.ameritron.com/Product.php?productid=383-1500-A7-2
## For $200 more than the grossly overpriced 8877, you get this https://www.rfparts.com/tubes/tubes-trans/tube-tran-taylor/tubes-taylortran-3cx/3cx15000a7-tay.html
## Greenstone brand 3CX-3000A7s typ sell for $799.00 brand new, readily available..come with a 2 yr warranty.
## Back when GU-74s were $50 to $75 years ago, I suggested folks stock pile a few of em. 1-2 did, the rest complained of skyrocketing prices.
## Interesting times we live in. Tubes prices have gone nuts, and SS is not quite there..yet.
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