[Amps] [Alpha87a] Alpha 87A No Output
Jerry O. Stern
jsternmd at att.net
Tue Apr 16 18:54:50 EDT 2019
I don’t recall what the serial port decode means but I have seen this happen a few times either when the relay line physically gets disconnected or your transceiver relay line gets shut off inadvertently (happened to me with my IC-7800).
73 Jerry NY2KW
From: Alpha87a at yahoogroups.com [mailto:Alpha87a at yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 4:31 PM
To: Amps group <amps at contesting.com>; alpha87a at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Alpha87a] Alpha 87A No Output
All of a sudden, my Alpha 87A has stopped amplifying. It had sat for about a month with no use. Everything seems normal: the correct lights come on, the amp seems to switch into operate mode, but the output power is equal to the input power. When I transmit, the serial port puts out a series of RM50E00, RM50D00, ending with RM00000. I don't know what else to look at.
Any suggestions before I start taking it apart?
Posted by: Frank Kirschner <frank.kirschner at gmail.com <mailto:frank.kirschner at gmail.com> >
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