[Amps] Why 2 3CX800s instead of one 8877?
Alek Petkovic
vk6apk at bigpond.com
Fri Apr 26 18:36:44 EDT 2019
Ha. That's what ya call "thinkin' outside the anode."
Cheers, Alek.
On 26/04/2019 5:40 AM, Carl wrote:
> Since a pair of 3CX800's wont even come close to running hard in a 2
> or 3 hole 76A series amp then a little careful surgery will do the trick.
> Remove enough of the anode cooler from both tubes so that they will
> fit with about 1/4" spacing.
> Dont laugh, it is just a part of hams doing what works when needed.
> I modified several 8874's decades ago to replace the 8873 in Heath
> SB-230 amps. At that time they were cheap as full power medical and
> other pulls.
> My own SB-230 modified for 6M and used for portable and roving has
> been fine since 1985.
> Carl
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Colin Lamb" <k7fm at teleport.com>
> To: "Mike McCarthy,W1NR" <lists at w1nr.net>; "Roger (K8RI)"
> <k8ri at rogerhalstead.com>; <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 8:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Why 2 3CX800s instead of one 8877?
>> I am somewhat mystified by the messages. The Alpha 76A has 2 or 3
>> tubes 3CX400. But there is a difference. The 3 tube version you can
>> plug one socket and then use 2 3CX800A7 tubes. They fit fine. I
>> changed one and mounted the transformer inside the unit. It works fine.
>> There is a problem with the two tube version. If you change to tubes
>> to 2 3CX800 tubes - the sockets are too close together so they do not
>> fit. That would require more work because the holes and all the
>> chimenys are too close together. I have a 2 hole amp and used the
>> 3CX400 tubes. I run that amp at 1200 watts and it has run flawlessly
>> for years.
>> I did a couple of other things to my amp. I installed a vertical
>> array inside between two meters for grid response. Because these
>> LEDs are much quicker that the meter it is much faster and that lets
>> me monitor forward output with the meter. Then, I converted the
>> output meter to read peak reading with a meter used for the Bird
>> Wattmeter. I have about 6 amplifiers and with those two changes this
>> amp is the one I use day after day.
>> 73, Colin K7FM
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