[Amps] FS Commander HF2500 and HF2500E

Kimo Chun kimochun at gmail.com
Sat Aug 17 13:33:23 EDT 2019

I have two Commander HF2500 and one HF2500E  HF amplifiers for sale, AS IS.
These are from a SK amateur estate.
They are in very good physical shape. The only problem I can detect is the
common problem with the Plate HV metering indicating roughly half the full
voltage. The full power output (I measured) within specs indicates the
plate voltage is fine. I replaced the HV distributing bus, standoff,
insulating post to the 3 tubes on the E with a perfect fitting ceramic one
(It was plastic). Upon initial testing the top screw must have been loose
as the post started to melt. No damage to the amp.

I can ship the amp to the upper 48 at a more reasonable cost via 2-day air
than usual.  I will ship the transformer separately but will leave the
tubes in their sockets with packing material around them or as you prefer.
I do not have the original boxes. I don't have full manuals.

I tested the amps on 20m at full power into a dummy load. They were fine.
Limited testing on the other bands was okay, too.

I will entertain reasonable offers plus shipping (tbd). You may inquire
about that. No return. Damage or loss in shipping must be covered by any
insurance amount you elect to apply and pay for.

Kimo Chun  KH7U
callsign at arrl.net

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