[Amps] Alpha on Life Support Again?

Artek Manuals Manuals at ArtekManuals.com
Sat Dec 21 12:12:17 EST 2019

I inquired when the 9500 would be shipping again back in  Novemeber anhd 
what tube new production was shipping with.

Below is the answer I got



Hello Dave,

Sorry about the confusion on the website.  We are backordered at the moment. The lady who assembles the 9500 suffered a stroke last month and won't be back so we are backed up.  Probably with holidays and all that we won't be shipping any new product until early next year.  We will probably move this production to Ohio once the new factory is operational.

We use our own private labeled and private manufactured tube.  Some material and assembly is sourced here and final assembly in China under US local based engineering supervision.  The tubes are excellent.  We have had no problems with them.  I think they are better than Eimac. We have seen a number of problems in Eimac over the last year.  I would not hesitate to buy this tube for myself, and I won't sell anything to you that I would not buy for myself.  You will have no issues or regrets with the tube.  When we have had problems the warranty replacement has been no problem.  I believe we have had 1 or two warranty replacements in the last four years which isn't bad at all.

If you want to get on the 9500 waiting list let me know.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Mike N8WFF
614 675 2497

On 12/21/2019 9:50 AM, N4ZR wrote:
> Saw an ad on QRZ touting their "full time service department."  I was 
> curious about their prices, and went to their online store - every amp 
> but the 9500 is "out of stock", and it is "backordered."  A lot of 
> their parts and other expensive but unidentified iterms are also 
> listed as "Out of Stock."  Doesn't have the look of a thriving 
> company, does it?

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