[Amps] Impedance Match Calculator

Larry Benko xxw0qe at comcast.net
Sun Feb 3 16:58:12 EST 2019


You want the answer for lossless or real components?  For lossless 
components starting at the generator a shunt capacitor of 831.93pF and 
then a series inductor of 269.96nH to the load will match to 25.67 + 
j18.68.  There are many more circuits that will achieve the same match.

This calculation can be done in just a few seconds with a free program 
like SimSmith.  I have a YouTube channel using SimSmith to solve all 
kinds of ham radio and RF topics if you are interested. 

Is this what you want?

Larry, W0QE

On 1/31/2019 1:57 PM, Richard Solomon wrote:
> I did a quick Google on this,
> but didn't see exactly what I
> needed.
> I want to match a load with
> the following characteristics:
> Rs=25.67
> Rp=39.26
> Xs=18.68
> Xp=53.96
> To a 50 ohm source at a fixed
> frequency of 3.725 Mhz.
> Can someone point me to a
> calculator that will give L & C
> values I will need ?
> Tnx, Dick, W1KSZ
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