Manfred Mornhinweg manfred at ludens.cl
Wed Feb 13 12:32:50 EST 2019


> Can anyone tell me who it is that has the LED bar graph displays 
> suitable for retro fitting in a home brew amp?
> I've seen the stuff in the past, but can't locate it now.

If your search "LED bar graph" on aliexpress.com or ebay.com, you will 
find lots of LED modules in various colors, shapes, sizes, etc, also 
LM3914 and other driver ICs. There are also a few ready-made modules, 
but most of these either need digital input, or are powered from the 
input terminals, being intended for tasks such as battery voltage 
monitoring. So it's probably best to buy the LED modules that fit your 
application, LM3914 driver chips, and put it together yourself.


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