[Amps] SB-220 Xformer readings

gudguyham at aol.com gudguyham at aol.com
Sun Jan 6 09:38:36 EST 2019

With such low resistance it would be almost impossible to detect a dirt between individual windings but easy to detect sorts between primary and secondary and ground etc.

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 On Sunday, January 6, 2019, Dennis W0JX via Amps <amps at contesting.com> wrote:

I had my SB-220 opened up for other work and took the following readings:

HV secondary winding: approximately 11.8 ohms

Primary #1 Blk to Yellow: 1.1 ohms
                  Blk to Blk/Yellow: 1.0 ohms
Primary #2 Blk/Green to Blue: 1.1 ohms
                  Blk/Green to Blk/Red: 1.0 ohms

Your readings may vary somewhat depending on your digital meter and also how long you let the readings stabilize as the windings "charge up."

I also have a Peter Dahl hypersil replacement #SB-220-3 for my SB-220. The secondary measures 10.8 ohms on this transformer which has a higher current rating.

73, Dennis W0JX
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