[Amps] SS Amps are expensive...why?

Bill Steffey ny9h at arrl.net
Fri Jan 25 18:17:39 EST 2019

heard a great loud signal on 20 a few weeks ago,,,, crystal clear ... 
but there was sizzling 10kc down the band....
the scope on the k3 showed it ,  did not appear big, but I could hear it..
moved to the 7800 and it was indeed there ,,,, still sizziling....
it was Italian ...I did not remember what power he was running,,,,
. maybe he was hitting it too hard???
maybe his amp needed another device to get into the linear region ???

I am no engineer...    " but that's just wrong"

""""It looks like you are buying a
board without the LDMOS.
No Control Circuitry
No output filters"""""

not really, that amp has all the stuff, all the filters, the 2 LDMOS rf 
pallet is even all tested and biased up.  The controller is installed. 
You do need to solder some teflon cables. And install some fans and a 
rasberry pi. tough stuff.


On 1/25/2019 2:24 PM, Richard Solomon wrote:
 > It looks like you are buying a
 > board without the LDMOS.
 > No Control Circuitry
 > No output filters
 > Doesn't seem like a deal to me.
 > I'll stick with my SPE 1.3K-FA
 > (

On 1/25/2019 5:34 PM, qrv at kd4e.com wrote:
> I had no idea they had a new group - thanks for the link!
> I don't see a price list on that page.
> Groups.io is somewhat new to me.
> Thanks
>> On 1/25/19 5:13 PM, Bill Steffey wrote: for RFKIT  > > https://b26-pa.groups.io/g/main > > why not go to their current 
> site rather than the old web pages.... > > they have been at dayton 2 
> years and last year Orlando... this year > also next month. > > On 
> 1/25/2019 3:35 PM, qrv at kd4e.com wrote: >> Interesting ... >> >> Do I 
> understand correctly that three pieces are required for a >> complete 
> amp: >> >> 1. The "pallet" amp USD? >> >> 2. Their controller USD? >> >> 
> 3. An active device LDMOS: BLF188XR; BLF578; MRFE6VP61K25 USD? >> >> 
> Plus, of course, a power source. >> >>> http://rf-kit.de/en/Products.php 
>  >>> >>> Process at bottom of page. I believe they were at the new 
> Dayton >>> Hamvention a couple years back. May be an ordering option for 
>  >>> future events? >>> >>> Chris VE3CEA >>> >>> >>> Thursday, January 
> 24, 2019, 16:04 -0500 from dickw1ksz at gmail.com >>> 
> <dickw1ksz at gmail.com>: Too bad the site doesn't list prices and >>> how 
> to order one. >>> >>> 73, Dick, W1KSZ >>> >>> On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 
> 1:05 PM Herbert Schoenbohm < >>> 
> herbert.schoenbohm at gmail.com<mailto:herbert.schoenbohm at gmail.com>> >>> 
> wrote: >>> >>>> Check this out this for HP Solid State amp. Price is 
> very >>>> reasonable and reviews are very positive. >>>> 
> http://www.rf-kit.de/ >>>> >>>> Herb, KV4FZ >>

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