[Amps] Modern rig amplifier keying

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 20 10:34:21 EDT 2019

Having 12-volts on the keying circuit (actually, usually, 13.8-volts) is very common and I don't know of any "modern" transceiver that cannot handle the voltage.
Glen, K9STH 
Website: https://k9sth.net 

    On Saturday, July 20, 2019, 08:32:43 AM CDT, Stan Gammons <s_gammons at charter.net> wrote:  
 How much voltage will modern rigs tolerate on the keying circuit? I have 
an older amp that has a 12 volt relay. Will that fry the keying circuit 
of a modern rig?




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