[Amps] Henry 2K desktop amp

Jim Durham jimdur at gmail.com
Sat Jun 29 12:59:13 EDT 2019

On 6/27/19 11:46 AM, Ted Rachwal wrote:
> All of a sudden I have a very high swr between the rig and 
> amp...3:1.... I notice one of the 3500Z tubes is not lit.  I'm 
> wondering if I can pull the unlit 3-500Z and try the amp to see if the 
> issue is the tube or some other part.  I have pulled a suspect 572b 
> and 811 in the Ameritron series of amp and all was ok but wonder if 
> the remaining 3-500Z would be damaged if I tried this trick?  Anyone 
> have a thought here?
> 73,
> Ted K8AQM

You say "2K". I have a 2K-2.  The tube filaments are in series. The amp 
will not run at all with one tube pulled. I believe this is the case for 
all the 2K series.

If you actually have a 2K (the original amp from the 60's) it would have 
tube type rectifiers and 3-400Z's  as finals.

A 2K-2 would have 3-400Zs and a 2k-3 would have 3-500Zs.

Henry did some unusual stuff. The 2K-2 I own actually had all the 
factory mods for a 2K-3 but did use 3-400Zs.  I dropped the sockets so 
that it is really a 2K-3 now. Filaments are in series as with the 2K-2.

Wonderful amps.

73  de Jim, W2XO

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