[Amps] Remote control of Alpha 9500

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Thu May 9 20:05:29 EDT 2019

Yeah, there are all kinds of interesting gadgets out there for this sort 
of thing nowadays. Last year I needed to go a ~150 feet with HDMI video 
from a laptop up to a projector for a performance I was helping a friend 
with (we discovered at the last minute that a construction crew had cut 
through the venue's video cables). For on order of a few hundred bucks I 
found a workable solution at the local Fry's Electronics that used HDMI 
transceivers on either end of ordinary Cat5E cable. It worked like a charm.

73, Mike W4EF.............

On 5/8/2019 11:51 AM, N4ZR wrote:
> I just googled rs-232 to rs-422 converters, and there are solutions 
> available for as little as $30 (2 adapters) the maximum length is huge 
> - thousands of feet.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> Check out the Reverse Beacon Network
> at <http://reversebeacon.net>, now
> spotting RTTY activity worldwide.
> For spots, please use your favorite
> "retail" DX cluster.
> On 5/4/2019 2:08 PM, Ken Asmus wrote:
>> A local amateur has an Alpha 9500 that he would like to control 
>> remotely.
>> The amp is located in an out building about 170 feet from the main 
>> shack.
>> Has anyone a solution for this distance, probably too far for a serial
>> cable,
>> 73
>> Ken VA3KA
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