[Amps] Tips For Winding a Plate Choke

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Mon Oct 7 11:50:20 EDT 2019

Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2019 13:16:21 -0600
From: "Doug Renwick" <ve5ra at sasktel.net>
To: <hzp_electronics at juno.com>, <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Tips For Winding a Plate Choke

<I am looking for tips on how to set up and physically place the wire on the
<form. W8JI omits that information.
<I was hoping that some of the amp gurus here wound a plate choke and would
<share that information, but so far no luck.


##  Electrician  ham  buddy  across  town  used a bbq rotisserie.  Worked  good.
Modified of  course.  Typ  solid  1 inch  teflon  rod  used..with a dimple   dead  center
on  each  end....  or  drilled  and  tapped  for  .25-20   or  .25-28  brass  bolt. 
Transverse  brass  machine  screw  at  each end...to  terminate  wires.  Keep  lower
screw  well  away  from  chassis.   

##  1  rpm  is  too  slow....it  will  take  forever to  wind.    30-60 rpm  works  good. 
A  slowed  down  drill  press  will  also work. 

##  The  w8ji method for testing works superb....provided the  choke  is  placed  into  amp. 
Beware, u  can  buy  magnet  wire with  3  x different  thicknesses  of goop on  a  given  cu  wire  gauge. 

##  IF  u  dont  require  12m,  life  is  easier.   The  original  JI  choke  had  no  gaps  and  resonated 
at  10  mhz..and  also  20  mhz..and  was  320 uh.   Choke  worked fine  on  15M.    Bottom  gap  installed...
and  10  mhz  resonance  shifted  up  to  12.5  mhz.   20  mhz  resonance   shifted up  to  24 mhz.   Top  gap
installed....and  24 mhz resonance shifted  up  to  27  mhz.   That  was  the  final  config. 

##  The  old   B+W  800  choke  would  resonate  just  above  21.450  mhz.   Some  amps  would  blow
that  choke  on  15M.  Fix  was  just to  remove 4  turns  from  top  of  choke...  shifting  the  single
resonance  up a little  higher......  but back  then  we  had  no  12m  band.   Park  the  resonance at
23.170  mhz..... and  it  will  work  on  15 + 17m . 

##  another  method is  to use bigger  diam  form, if  u  only  have xxx  length to  work  with. 

##  still  another  method  is  to  place  1  turn  of  .25  inch wide  copper  strap  around the choke....  and  slide  it
up  and  down  to  shift  resonance  point  or points.  

##  another  scheme  is  to  use  2 x  chokes....  with  the  usual bypass  caps at base of  each  choke.    B+    fed  to
base of  each  choke.   spdt  vac relay  toggles  the  anode  between the  top  of  each  choke.   choke  1  is big  uh...
like  150-320  uh.  Choke  2  is  50  uh.    choke  2  is  used  from  80-10m.  Dead  simple. 

##  a  50  uh  choke   will  resonate at 35  mhz.    50  uh  used  on  the  SB-220.    50  uh  also  used  on  buddys 
YC-15  amp....  but  using 22  gauge  wire  on  hand. 

## I  tested  the   ameritron  chokes.... and  in  the DC test  jig...will  handle  1.5 A  CCS  for  2 hrs  straight,  zero  heat.
At  1.7  A  ccs.... choke  goes  into thermal runaway...fast !   Ameritron  choke uses  28  gauge  magnet  wire. 

Jim   VE7RF  

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