[Amps] Tips For Winding a Plate Choke

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 07:09:39 EDT 2019

Where and how a plate choke is mounted mostly has to do with making
the best use of chassis real estate and heat dissipation.  Someone
mentioned that the famous Ameritron choke, popular because it can be
made to work on all ham bands 160 to 10 m., doesn't dissipate any
heat.   If it is anything like the RF Parts RFC 3, I can testify that
it goes through a significant temperature rise on 160 m., when used in
a 1 KW continuous duty transmitter.  However, the temperature rise is
within specifications.   I advise mounting a plate choke the way you
would mount a large w.w. dropping resistor, with consideration to heat
dissipation.   I usually position mine so they are in the air flow
from a fan.


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