[Amps] Palstar Commander II VHF Amp Issue

Richard Solomon dickw1ksz at gmail.com
Sun Oct 27 21:08:05 EDT 2019

I picked up the 2 Meter Model,
knowing it had an issue (Main
Fuse blows). It was priced right.

I had hoped it was a problem
with the Filter Caps or Diodes,
but it looks like the HV Secondary
is arcing over to the Frame.

A replacement may not be possible
so I am looking at a substitute.

Antek looks possible and I will be
contacting them later this week.

But, the Dr. Frankenstein in me is
thinking of floating the transformer
on a piece of Plexiglass until I find
a replacement. Am I nuts or what ??

Another thought is to dis-assemble
the transformer to see if I can locate
the arc-over on the coil. But that's a
lot of work.

What is the opinion of the "floating"
idea ??

Or, does anyone have a parts unit with
a good transformer ?

Tnx es 73, Dick, W1KSZ

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