[Amps] WD7S TU-68 Homebrew Amplifier input board

N4IJ . dougn4ij at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 23:09:55 EDT 2020

TU-6B  not 68

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 9:28 PM N4IJ . <dougn4ij at gmail.com> wrote:

> Before I build something similar from scratch, is there one of those
> sitting in someones shack they want to part with? Just a board would be
> fine.  If not, I can put something together myself.  Just wanting to make
> the package neater than mine would look like.  Homebrew pair 3-500Z  3.2KV
> plate volts.
> 73
> Doug N4IJ

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