[Amps] DRAKE L4B

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 06:50:24 EDT 2020

The cooling is wimpy because hams want quiet amps because most of them
are appliance ops who don't understand the ramifications of poor

Two things leap out from the photos:

1.  Ditch the Coleman lamp glasses and put in genuine SK-406s.  Real
tube chimneys curve in at the top forcing air on the anode heat sinks.
That's important especially if you run continuous duty.

2.  Those Millen h.v. connectors have proven unreliable over the
years.  There are better options but to be honest, I think separating
the power supply is a ham radio thing that you'll never see in
professional environments.  I'd put the p.s. and RF assemblies in a 2
or 3 foot tall rack cabinet and make them one safe unit.



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