[Amps] Monitor RF output on computer screen
Jim Thomson
jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Mar 14 14:36:12 EDT 2020
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 14:15:24 -0700
From: Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Monitor RF output on computer screen
On 3/13/2020 1:38 PM, Jim wrote:
> That is debatable.
<Not if you study the data sheets and specs for both.
<The LP100A can read complex impedance at the point of measurement on the
<line, so it could be used to find the input Z of a power amp (using a
<Smith Chart to account for line length from the coupler to the amp). It
<The unit is factory-calibrated to NIST, power accuracy is 5% worst case,
<3% typical, at any signal level from 1W to rated power. It can read peak
<hold, average, and instantaneous peaks. It can auto-switch between two
<couplers on the outputs of my SO2R contesting station.
<73, Jim K9YC
## Does the LP-100 or 100A have 3 x different methods to shut down an amp ??
## The array solutions does!
- TX inhibit on xcvr.
- open off key line....which does NOT work on alpha amps.
- apply 0-9 negative volts to ALC on back of xcvr.
## In my case, I paralleled 2 x identical displays .... to ONE coupler, with one display in shop next door,
and 2nd display in the shack. They both indicate identical info. With 2 x displays operating, I now have
2 x methods to shut down an amp.
## The array solutions displays show peaks so fast, they also easily show ripple on the B+ as well.
Last LED will...dither.
## I already know the exact input Z to amps, moot point. An MFJ-259B on input to amp, plus a 0-100 ohm pot at cathode
will work well. Pot resistance = input Z. Cathode to grid C is ...free C2 on the PI tuned input.
## AS has HF couplers for.... 3 kw, 10 kw, 20 kw. They ALL work extremely well.
Also, couplers can be ordered with 7-16 DIN connectors.
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