[Amps] Alpha 87A Won't Transmit

Frank Kirschner frank.kirschner at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 10:53:47 EDT 2021

Update: I tried it on a 200 watt dummy load. Worked fine up to 200 watts.
So I'm guessing it's something to do with the antenna - parts worked loose
or corroded. Going to have to call my tower guy.


On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 9:36 AM Adrian <vk4tux at gmail.com> wrote:

> Excessive load reflected power or RF voltage. May be caused by excessive
> load VSWR at an otherwise acceptable power (e.g. 4:1 at 1.5 kW) or
> excessive power at otherwise acceptable load VSWR (e.g. 2.5 kW at 1.9:1).
> On 7/4/21 11:32 pm, Frank Kirschner wrote:
> > SF 14

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