[Amps] Alpha 87A Won't Transmit

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Apr 7 20:09:15 EDT 2021

On 4/7/2021 4:54 PM, Frank Kirschner wrote:
> Thanks for all the input. The solution seems to be that the TH-11 is coming
> down for maintenance.

Depending on the cost of doing that, I'd try both a thorough inspection 
of the feedline and a high resolution TDR. And, as others have 
suggested, open up any cable splices (at barrels, etc.), make certain 
that all are wrench tight, all connectors top quality and properly 

We've been having folks clearing a lot of brush for fire safety, and one 
of them tied several pieces of my coax into knots to pull it out of the 
way. Something like that is a recipe for arcing.

73, Jim K9YC

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