[Amps] 572B/T160L tube class C

Carl km1h at jeremy.qozzy.com
Fri Aug 20 10:57:14 EDT 2021

Those spec sheets have been around for decades BUT:

Has anyone ever seen an O'Malley?

The Svetlana was not a true 572B clone, the anode was smaller and the plate 
dissipation lower. It did not work well in some amps due to instability, not 
a problem if you knew how to tame them. I ran pairs in several SB-200 6M 
conversions with no problems at 600W.
Pulled off the market years ago as well as their make believe 811A which was 
a relabled Ryazan G-811 (their logo still visible under the new paint) which 
dates back to WW2 when a B-29 crash landed in the Far East after bombing Jap 
locations. They copied the plane as a TU-4, the ART-13 TX which used 811 
modulators and seriously updated versions are still flying aka the "Bear" 
nuclear capable heavy bomber.


 Message ----- 
From: "Aleksandar Petkovic" <vk6apk at bigpond.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] 572B/T160L tube class C

> Try
> https://frank.pocnet.net/sheets/084/5/572B.pdf
> Or
> https://frank.pocnet.net/sheets/164/5/572B.pdf
> 73, Alek, VK6APK
> On 20/08/2021 8:56 am, Fuqua, William L. wrote:
>>     I am looking for full power data for the 572B/T160L operating ICAS 
>> class-c CW and AM.
>> The only thing I have found thus far is in an ARRL handbook, but it is 
>> obviously the 811A specs.
>> Not the full 160W plate dissipation specs.
>> 73
>> Bill wa4lav
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