[Amps] Testing Tubes with a Henry 2K

Donald Fox taurusshoguy at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 22 22:48:27 EDT 2021

In that case, I think you will be fine. The tuning will be a bit off of course, due to the missing tube. I have done the same thing here with my Commander 2500 when evaluating a number of 3CX800's one at a time. I did seal off the missing tube's socket, to be sure the remaining tube had plenty of air.


On Sunday, August 22, 2021, 10:02:29 PM EDT, Brett Sims <brett at simsranch.com> wrote:

Appreciate the responses.  My Henry 2K also has the filaments in parallel.  Your right, it was originally designed for 3-400's.  I failed to mention in my original post, it was upgraded to 3-500's with appropriate chimneys and caps.    It works great.

So if you have a Henry 2k with filaments in parallel and currently runs two 3-500Z's with appropriate chimneys, could one test a single tube?  Wadda ya think?

Thanks  Brett  N5SQK


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