[Amps] High Level SSB Generation

Fuqua, William L. wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Tue Feb 2 17:26:55 EST 2021

The GE SSB Handbook below has several single ended grid driven triode linear amplifiers with grid neutralization.
Some use the MB150 multiband tuner.
Many years ago, we discussed grid neutralized vs plate neutralized single ended triode amplifiers. Most grid driven single ended amplifiers have split stator capacitors in plate circuit.
   One thing I have realized is that the circuit may only be balanced in only one setting of the split stator capacitor due to the either plate to ground capacitance or grid to ground capacitance. This can be fixed by adding a capacitor on opposite side from the plate or grid to maintain balance. There is only one commercially made amplifier that I have seen that has this. The EF Johnson Courier has a cap from one side of the split stator input tuning capacitor that equals the grid to filament capacitance to ground for the two 811a tubes.
   I have some big triodes that have imagined that I may build amplifiers around but would like to use PI output network instead of a link coupling. Sure would like to build a 1000T or 2000T amplifier. Hi Hi
Bill wa4lav

From: RCM <robrk at nidhog.net>
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 9:30 PM
To: Fuqua, William L. <wlfuqu00 at uky.edu>
Subject: Re: [Amps] High Level SSB Generation

CAUTION: External Sender

On Feb 1, 2021, at 18:04, Fuqua, William L. <wlfuqu00 at uky.edu<mailto:wlfuqu00 at uky.edu>> wrote:

  There was an old Radio Handbook,

Make room on a hard drive….

Mouse down to:    Radio (transmitters, receivers, design, repair...)

1936 ARRL,  1959 Orr,

The “Sideband Handbook”  GE notes has a 200 watt DSB rig.



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