[Amps] Need info on Alpha91Beta Main SW

Tack JE1CKA je1cka at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 10:31:39 EST 2021

Thanks to S58DX & NY9H

> you might check with ACOM suppliers 
I'll try to contact with Acom who made 91Beta.

On 2021/02/21 11:43, Tack JE1CKA wrote:
> My Alpha91Beta Main SW(S1) is out of order.
> There is no part number listed on the manual.
> Does anyone have any information on this SW?
> Identical one in Mouser is fine.
> According to the Web page "The Alpha RF Systems parts store has been 
> closed since 11/16/20 because of COVID-19."

Tack Kumagai, JE1CKA
Staying at Hannoh Shack

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