[Amps] AL82 3-500 4-400

gudguyham gudguyham at aol.com
Tue Jan 26 15:48:50 EST 2021

4-400 tube will work in an Al82.  No problem.  They will have less gain and less output but you’ll get power.  You’ll do better if you use less bias.  Use it in SSB mode to up the idle current.  There “may” be an input matching issue but it shouldn’t be really bad.

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On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 3:35 PM, Robert W5AJ <woodr90 at gmail.com> wrote:


Have Ameritron AL82 amp, No Tubes 

Have extra Eimac 4-400 tubes 


Looked at some amp's schematics for 4-400 and appears these would work in

Have fired up filaments in AL82 (no HV) 


Any one tried this or have go/no go thoughts?


73 W5AJ





Midland, Texas



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