[Amps] SB-200 Mods

Jeff Blaine KeepWalking188 at ac0c.com
Wed Jan 27 23:07:11 EST 2021

I spent a bit of time on that amp a while back.  Involved a GI7B 
conversion but warc operation was part of the goal.  I forget which warc 
band it was that the plate choke is self resonant close too, but it's 
one of them.  You would need to treat it for that.

My rationale for the project was to hone my construction, amp and design 
skills so the investment has some payback in perpetuity. The amp today 
sits on the shelf with a variety of problems, never to see RF again.

In fact, given I did spend a massive amount of time and money on that 
project, in retrospect I have many times strongly recommend guys asking 
me about the project to just track down an AL80b (single tube 3-500z 
amp) instead.  The AL80b is about 10x the amp in just most other than 
sentimental respects.  And it's relatively easy to sell an unmodified 
SB-200 as well.


On 1/27/21 9:08 PM, Jim wrote:
> And this was converting it to ONLY 160 meters. Not adding 160 to it.
> If you search on SB200 160 meters, you will find many examples.
> Thanks
> 73
> Jim W7RY
> On 1/27/2021 7:31 PM, Jim wrote:
>> There was an article in one of the 60-70s arrl handbooks about a 160 
>> meter conversion to an SB200.
>> Thanks
>> 73
>> Jim W7RY
>> On 1/27/2021 3:56 PM, Jim Koshmider via Amps wrote:
>>> Has anyone in the group modified an SB-200 for 160 meters, or for 
>>> the WARC bands?  Any info would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks.
>>> 73,
>>> Jim,  K8OZ
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