[Amps] Viking Thunderbolt with 4-400A's

KA2PTE ka2pte at 3950.net
Tue Jul 13 21:00:34 EDT 2021

Not sure if anyone out there is familiar with this amp, but its using SS
diodes in place of the standby voltage supply diode tube V104.
Its now putting about -180V on the tubes  grids for standby, instead 
of -150v.

I dont think this is an issue, but maybe someone more familiar with the tube
sheet can confirm?

Also, when the amp is in TUNE mode and has plate volts and filament, with
the grids having that voltage on them,
there is mild plate current drawn, something like 20mA or so.

Other owners of the amp seem to have seen this, but I'm having a hard time
figuring out why. In LINEAR position,
the current draw goes away. The screen volts are the full screen level in
LINEAR, while in TUNE I believe its about 1/3rd
or so of LINEAR mode.

Steve Hearns [ KA2PTE ]

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